Leadership Positions

Leadership is an important part of the Scouting experience. As Scouts participate in leading their peers in the Troop, they learn valuable life lessons that they can carry into their future--in school, sports, or work. Troop leadership is more than simply wearing a patch on the arm. It means extra responsibility to the success of the Troop. Take your leadership position seriously, and you will learn a lot about yourself and others.

Note: If a Life Scout is in a leadership position to attain the Eagle rank, much more will be expected from the Scoutmasters. Similarly, a Star Scout going for the Life rank will face a tougher challenge than a First Class going to Star.

The following are some descriptions / expectations for a few leadership positions in Troop #716:

Lead Troop meetings
Work with the Scoutmaster to garner feedback on meetings and camping trips
Put PLC plans into practice at Troop meetings by teaching / leading other Scouts
Coordinate and lead logistics: chair set up, starting on time, flag ceremony, closing, clean up
Help oversee other leadership positions: Scribe, Quartermaster, Troop Guide
Co lead on camp outs: set up, outing plan, cooking/clean up, tear down, Scouts Own.

Co lead Troop meetings
Put PLC plans into practice at Troop meetings by teaching / leading other Scouts
Help with logistics: chair set up, starting on time, flag ceremony, closing, clean up
Help oversee other leadership positions: Scribe, Quartermaster
Co lead on campouts: set up, outing plan, cooking/clean up, tear down, Scouts Own.

Take notes at PLC and distribute to PLC members and ASM’s
Take attendance at Troop meetings / camp outs and encourage attendance, participation, advancement. Create reports to share with other leaders. Take notes on outings / special events (Scouting for Food, Camporee, Spaghetti dinner, etc.) to provide short history of location, activities, highlights and challenges.

Take care of Troop gear by ensuring it is cleaned and stored properly as well as occasionally inventoried. Check out gear to patrols before camp outs. Ensure gear is returned after camp outs. Attend camp outs. Inspect gear. Teach Scouts about caring for and respecting gear. If a Scout is Life going to Eagle, he must attend five campouts and teach other Scouts proper use and care of gear. Note what gear may be needed for a Troop meeting and arrive early to get it out. Twice during leadership tenure, perform basic cleaning and putting gear away / doing inventory in Wheatland.

Troop Guide
Co lead Troop meetings.
Put PLC plans into practice at Troop meetings by teaching / leading other Scouts
Work with Scouts who have not yet obtained First Class. Help them practice Scout skills
Inform the Scoutmaster when boys are ready to be signed off
Attend most camp outs and work with boys on Scout skills
Encourage Scouts to rank advance.

Attend all PLC meetings and bring great ideas for troop meetings.
Regularly attend Troop meetings and camp outs. Notify the Scoutmaster if and when you can’t attend.

Set an example with the Troop in Scout Spirit: participating / paying attention in meetings, wearing a good looking Class A uniform, etc.