Summer Camp

Troop 716 will go to summer camp this summer 2021 -- planning in progress

 Below are some of the usual items:

A parent will be in charge of holding any prescription medicine and distributing. Put medicine in a ziplock bag with the Scout's name on the outside in Sharpie. Any OTC stuff is fine if the boys keep it.

A parent will be in charge of holding the boys' money. Put whatever spending money you want to give them in an envelope with their name on it. The parent will hold it and distribute when asked throughout the week. It will not be that parent's job to monitor spending habits. Just hold it to ensure it's not lost.

It takes extra time for mail. It's best if you want to send mail to just give to one of the adults going any SMALL packages/letters and we'll do a "mail call" in camp each day. It's OK to send a small amount of food/candy or a note or something. It's best to give them money and let them go to the Trading Post. Do not send lots of food with them!! Critters will come. They will not go hungry and do not need lots of extra snacks. 

Packing Basics
A few changes of clothes, sturdy shoes, sandals, swimming suit, towel, sunscreen, hat, water bottle, etc. Do not over pack! Don't need: food, tent, mess kit, lots of clothes. We WILL be dirty and grubby all day and will not change clothes. Who cares? It's summer camp!

Do Bring
Class A uniform including belt and neckerchief
Pen and small notebook for merit badge classes
Fishing pole (license required for Scouts over 16. Get it at Big 5)
Small games/deck of cards
Scout Spirit!